Can Ducks Eat Zucchini (Benefits & Serving Tips)

Ducks are kind of like chickens, they scavenge and forage and eat pretty much anything in their path.

But, as duck owners, we need to know what’s healthy for them, what’s OK for them, and what we should avoid feeding them.

After all, a healthy duck is a happy duck, right?

If you’ve found yourself with leftover zucchini (or courgette) you may be thinking, can I feed this to my ducks?

Well, here is whether ducks can eat zucchini, whether it’s considered healthy for them, and how best to feed it to your flock.

Can Ducks Eat Zucchini?

As we know, some foods aren’t healthy for your ducks to eat, like oranges and other citrus fruits.

Luckily zucchini (or courgette) is absolutely OK to feed your ducks, and they absolutely love it too. It’s a win-win.

Not only is zucchini OK for ducks to eat, but it’s actually considered one of the healthier vegetables for them.

Although I wouldn’t encourage your ducks to eat them right off the plant (for the sake of your garden), all parts of the zucchini are edible for ducks, including the leaves, seeds, and flowers. 

Still, to ensure that the zucchini is safe for your ducks to eat, wash them well if they are store-bought just in case there are any pesticides still present.

Health Benefits Of Zucchini For Ducks

Whenever you’re feeding your ducks anything besides their normal formulated feed, you should be aware of what macro and micronutrients they are actually going to be getting.

When it comes to zucchini, well, it’s seemingly full of healthiness. True, not all of these benefits humans get will transfer to ducks, but in essence, they are the same.

For ducks, zucchini still contains various vitamins and minerals such as:

  • Vitamin A, C, K, B6
  • Proteins
  • Fibers
  • Manganese
  • Folate
  • Phosphorus
  • Copper 
  • Thiamine
  • Iron 
  • Calcium
  • Zinc 

These vitamins and minerals help strengthen and maintain a lot of your duck’s main bodily functions, as well as improve their immune systems.

Since zucchini is rich in water and fiber, the plant and vegetable are highly beneficial for digestion health. The high water content is amazing during the summer to help keep the duck hydrated. 

What To Be Aware When Feeding Zucchini To Ducks

Although zucchini is clearly healthy for ducks to eat, there’s one thing to get absolutely crystal clear about.

This is that everything outside of a duck’s normal formulated feed should be given in moderation. The more foods that ducks eat that aren’t their normal seed or pellet mix, the less of their optimal macro-nutrients they will be receiving as they forgo more of their normal food.

In order to get the best of both worlds, only feed your ducks zucchini as a treat, or within a weekly fruit and vegetable mix.

How To Feed Zucchini To Your Ducks?

Although you can simply throw the whole zucchini out into your backyard and watch your ducks try it in various ways, there are more effective ways of feeding your duck’s zucchini.

Note, you can feed your ducks raw or fresh zucchini, they don’t mind either way! However, the best way to serve it to your ducks is raw and fresh, simply because it offers more nutrients than cooked zucchini.

After you wash the zucchini well and cut off the ends, cut the zucchini into small bites. This makes it easier for you ducks to eat it. 

You can also shred the zucchini. It’s best to try both and see which your ducks will prefer. You don’t have to remove the seeds. They’re soft, and your ducks will love them. 

You can also shred or cut the zucchini in small quantities and freeze them. They serve as a good treat for ducks in the summer to keep them cool.

Final Words

So, it’s really no surprise that zucchini is safe and healthy for your ducks to eat. It has a mountain full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and it’s completely nontoxic.

Still, moderation is key, as you want your duck’s primary food source to be their normal duck feed.

However, if you’ve found yourself with leftover zucchini or courgette, you know what to do with it!

Happy backyard farming all!

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